The University authorities of Covenant
University, Canaanland, Ota in Ogun state, last Saturday expelled over
200 students for varied offences.

A source told DailyPost that trouble started when the Chancellor of the institution, Bishop David Oyedepo visited the school chapel unannounced and noticed that some students were loitering around the chapel, some talking and others were playing while the Vice Chancellor was giving a speech in the school’s chapel.
Our source confirmed that the very strict chancellor was very angry towards the attitude of the students and immediately called on the Dean of Student Affairs, Mr Bassey, for a brief meeting outside the chapel, while other members of staff including the VC joined in the meeting too.
It was also gathered that the students knowing the sanctions that can befall them started running into the chapel, scrambling for available seats while some boys who did not have ties on where seen looking for ways to acquire some,even a group of boys numbering up to five allegedly took a girl’s scarf and ripped it to shreds using the parts to produce makeshift ties in an attempt not to get into trouble.
It was reported that shortly after the brief meeting, the institution’s Education Secretary, Mrs Aize Obayan addressed the student, but noticed that as she was speaking, the students were murmuring.
Our source said the Chancellor then walked up to the podium and politely took the microphone from Mrs Obayan and said ”if i hear the voice of any student, the curse of the Lord shall fall upon that one” and immediately, the chapel went dead silent.
Our source further told DailyPost that following this unruly behaviour of the students, the Chancellor spoke on the topic Discipline and his vision for the university that night and immediately he finished, the VC asked all students present to wait behind because a search was going to be carried out in all the halls in order to fish out students who did not attend the service.
He revealed that twenty-five final year students were caught, undisclosed number of lower level students while two others were caught smoking marijuana.
He confirmed to us that over 200 were expelled last Saturday.
The Bishop David Oyedepo privately owned university is known for its strict rules and discipline such as not allowing the students to use mobile phones within the school’s premises, while it is mandatory for students to always bring their bible to the general morning assembly and other rules too numerous to mention in this report.

A source told DailyPost that trouble started when the Chancellor of the institution, Bishop David Oyedepo visited the school chapel unannounced and noticed that some students were loitering around the chapel, some talking and others were playing while the Vice Chancellor was giving a speech in the school’s chapel.
Our source confirmed that the very strict chancellor was very angry towards the attitude of the students and immediately called on the Dean of Student Affairs, Mr Bassey, for a brief meeting outside the chapel, while other members of staff including the VC joined in the meeting too.
It was also gathered that the students knowing the sanctions that can befall them started running into the chapel, scrambling for available seats while some boys who did not have ties on where seen looking for ways to acquire some,even a group of boys numbering up to five allegedly took a girl’s scarf and ripped it to shreds using the parts to produce makeshift ties in an attempt not to get into trouble.
It was reported that shortly after the brief meeting, the institution’s Education Secretary, Mrs Aize Obayan addressed the student, but noticed that as she was speaking, the students were murmuring.
Our source said the Chancellor then walked up to the podium and politely took the microphone from Mrs Obayan and said ”if i hear the voice of any student, the curse of the Lord shall fall upon that one” and immediately, the chapel went dead silent.
Our source further told DailyPost that following this unruly behaviour of the students, the Chancellor spoke on the topic Discipline and his vision for the university that night and immediately he finished, the VC asked all students present to wait behind because a search was going to be carried out in all the halls in order to fish out students who did not attend the service.
He revealed that twenty-five final year students were caught, undisclosed number of lower level students while two others were caught smoking marijuana.
He confirmed to us that over 200 were expelled last Saturday.
The Bishop David Oyedepo privately owned university is known for its strict rules and discipline such as not allowing the students to use mobile phones within the school’s premises, while it is mandatory for students to always bring their bible to the general morning assembly and other rules too numerous to mention in this report.
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