If you are in constant financial stress, then you are not living in abundant flow and you have a difficult relationship with money. You may have a lovely portfolio or you may be struggling to pay your bills, either way does not determine this relationship.
I’ve been helping people with their money psychology for many years and I’ve noticed they all have one thing in common and that is, their ability to have a great relationship with money and manifest in the physical world depends on their personal nature coupled with habits, patterns and beliefs.
Your personal nature is your way of viewing the world. It’s the difference between being right brain dominant versus having left brain dominant traits. Another way of expressing this is having a nature that either leans towards the creative or leans towards a structured and logical way of thinking.
Imagine a line that expands from the creative to the structured-logical. We all sit somewhere on this line. Where we sit depends on our habits, patterns and beliefs. Considering your own nature, do you know where you are on this line? The closer to the center of the line we are, the easier both money and life becomes.
We seek balance…
We unconsciously seek balance within our personal nature. We do this in a number of ways; either we’ll form a business partnership or marry our equal and opposite. This is also one of the reasons statistics show that money related issues can be high on the relationship buster scale.
If you aren’t aware of the concept of your personal nature then you might have difficulty understanding why your partner makes the choices they make and could drive you a bit crazy, especially when it comes to handling money.
Balance may be attained by working in a profession where your clients are equal and opposite to you such as an accountant who is more on the structured side of the line but choses to work with clients who are entrepreneurial and creative individuals. By the same token the creative clients will look for a more structured person to help with their money portfolio. The accountant might wonder why his clients just can’t get their act together and his clients might be frustrated with his constant requests for accurate information and find him a bit boring to boot!
Structured logical nature…
If your nature is structured and logical, then celebrate the gifts that this brings. While you may have difficulty thinking outside of the box, you are easily able to find logical solutions to problems and situations. It’s likely you will make safe money choices, such as finding secure employment and devoting resources to a safe retirement account over a long period of time. Most likely you will never have credit issues or need to file a bankruptcy. You will always manage your money well but you may be unable to create a much larger flow of abundance and could possibly live a life which lacks the luster that spontaneity brings. You can learn skills and techniques that will help you become more creative, create new possibilities, and benefit your longterm financial success.
Creative nature…
If you have a creative nature, watch out because you are on a money roller coaster, you can struggle one day and make it big the next and then loose it all again. You love spontaneity, you may make impulsive buying decisions, business decisions or even relationship decisions and you will feel your way through problems throwing logic out the window.
You may have difficulty bringing creative ideas to fruition, managing your money and cash flow or overspending. You may even experience periods throughout your life of having poor credit because you are a risk taker. While you hit the jackpot when it comes to being a fun-loving, spontaneous and visionary person, putting creative pieces together may be a struggle since you’re missing the logical planning piece. As a consequence you tend to struggle financially. You can learn skills and techniques that will help you anchor your life and ideas into structure and then new possibilities will be born.
Consider where you are on the line. Some of our habits, patterns and beliefs have been inherited from family and others have been developed over time through both positive and difficult life experiences. Ultimately we are more balanced individuals when we learn the skills that help us move closer to the center.
Written by Tracia Larimer.
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